Mycorrhizae for Cannabis and Hemp
For Cannabis and Hemp growers we recommend the BioOrganics Mycorrhizal Inoculant Plus.
● Designed specifically for the complete biostimulant (mycorrhizae and bacteria) needs of cannabis and hemp growers.
● Improves quality of soil.
● Requires less fertilizer and water.
● Lowers maintenance costs.
- Higher yield potential.
● Reverses soil compaction problems.
● Increases tolerance to environmental stresses.
● Can reduce wilting
● Protects roots from soil toxins, pathogens and disease.
● Creates a healthy environment, increasing the number of beneficial organisms.
● This product has been specifically tailored to the needs of cannabis growers by selecting the most important species of mycorrhizae and bacteria.
● It provides a quick and easy way to apply fungi spores and ensures that spores will be in perfect position as the roots begin to grow.
- 1 dose (teaspoon) per plant applied directly to the roots just once through the life cycle of the plant. There are approximately 133 doses per lb.
- Water soluble, so it can be applied as a spray, through an irrigation system or in a hydroponics system.
- For maximum benefits, use only lower-analysis gradual release fertilizers, preferably organic.
● Fast-acting, high-analysis fertilizers may harm the mycorrhizal fungi.
● Avoid use of soil-drench or systemic fungicides.