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BioOrganics LLC

Micronized Endomycorrhizal Inoculant


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This endo mycorrhizal product is OMRI listed and registered with the CDFA as an Organic Input Material. It contains a blend of nine top types of Endo mycorrhizal spores - Glomus aggregatum, G. etunicatum, G. clarum, G. deserticola, G. intraradices, G. monosporus, G. mosseae, Gigaspora margarita, and Paraglomus brasilianum. Our spore/propagule count guarantee is a minimum of 50 prop/gram.

It is water soluble.  This product can be used to coat damp crop seeds or can be mixed into water and conveniently applied as a drench to large areas of turfgrass, golf course greens, nursery seedlings, commercial vegetable crops, or bedding plants. It can also be blended into hydroseeding mixtures.

This is a general-purpose inoculant for all Endo-dependent plants, including most vegetables, grapes, fruit trees, berries, turfgrass, and flowers. It can be dusted on transplant roots, blended into potting soils, worked into soil before seeding, or scattered on lawns and flower beds.

COMMERCIAL GROWERS: A 3-lb. jar will contain enough doses for 500 larger transplants (grapes, fruit trees), 1500 vegetable transplants (tomatoes, peppers, etc.), or up to 5000 closely-planted small plants (strawberries). For blending into potting soils, we recommend a minimum of 1 lb. per cubic yard. Please contact us for recommendations for your specific crops or nursery stock.

GARDENERS: A 1.5 lb. jar will contain about 200 teaspoonfuls. For garden row crops, such as corn or beans, apply 1 teaspoon per linear foot and work into top 2-4 inches of soil before seeding, or work a half-teaspoon of inoculant into soil under larger seeds, such as melons or squash. Dust a half teaspoon on transplants such as tomatoes, peppers, or bedding flowers.

Transplants: Sprinkle inoculant directly on roots or root balls at planting time, or scatter inoculant in planting holes.  Apply at least  teaspoon (5 cc) to new trees or vines.

Seeded Crops: Dust dry inoculant on seeds at minimum rate of 1 lb. per acre.  Seeds may need to be slightly dampened.

Existing Plants: Probe 2-8 small holes in area of new roots, push 1 teaspoon down hole to root zone.

Seedling Trays: Mix into water at a rate of 1/2 cup/gallon (30 cc/liter) and drench trays.  Avoid wasteful runoff, keep mixture agitated, and use within 24 hours.

Potting Soil: Mix in 1 lb./cubic yard or 2 tablespoons/cubic foot.

Lawns: Apply as soil drench, 1 tablespoon/gallon, each gallon treats 50 sq. feet.  Follow immediately with watering in.

Please contact us for recommendations for your specific planting situation.


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